19 Sep
19 Sep
Hello Admins. I have a question for you guys, I am trying to run Big Brother Network Monitor Software in SUSE 8.1 Box but I attemp to start it to view it as web page I get the error of permission deny to the path I have setup. for example I created a symbolic link from /home/bbuser/bb to /srv/www/htdocs/bb so when I go to /var/log/httpd/error_log I see the following: Symbolic link not allowed: /srv/www/htdocs/bb/ I read the docs for BIg Brother and it mention to set it up inside the httpd.conf but I can find the exact location in this file nor I know what's the sysntax. I have looked at this file and try to follow the syntax in the areas that talk about Alias but no luck. Please Help.... Regards, Mario Mira