I am getting Authentication-Warnings from sendmail that look like this: Authentication-Warning: avalon.paulsen.org: wwwrun set sender to robert@paulsenonline.net using -f (A little background -- the email is being sent by the "mail" command in a PHP script. It needs to set the sender's address based on the user who logged into the web page and initiated the sending of the mail. This is why it is wwwrun who is seting the sender.) I thought /etc/mail/trusted_users was supposed to let me specify that it was OK for "wwwrun" to do this, but it isn't working. Perhaps I don't have the syntax right. All I did was put one line in trusted_users: wwwrun But, I still get the Authentication-Warnings. I don't think this was happening before I upgraded 7.3 to 8.0 so perhaps I lost some other configuration setting somewhere. Any advice? I do know how to turn off Authentication-Warnings completely in sendmail.cf, but I don't want to do that. -- Robert C. Paulsen, Jr. robert@paulsenonline.net