* Curtis Rey (crrey@home.com) [010630 14:35]: ->As one of the more vocal users on the OT topics, it was decided to move/start ->a list for OT due to Mads wanting to settle down the # of OT posts. Mads ->didn't really care about it for much more than the amount of bandwitdh being ->sucked at a time of the new release and the high demands on the ftp server at ->SuSE. At this time some of the SuSE list users expressed their dislike of ->the posts. Frankly, Chris Klippel offered to serve the list and many us that ->participating in the OT topics on the SuSE list thought it a good idea to ->move OT to lx-talk to keep the peace. It doesn't really matter to me what ->list the post comes from - as long as I can get the posts I desire. I still ->sub to the SuSE list and use it for the technical info. One of the other ->Lx-Talk users stated that the new list was nice because we can post freely ->without wondering who might be offended/bothered. I have to agree with this. ->It is nice to post on a list where no one cares that It is not "on topic". ->Now, hopefully, this satisifies those how want the OT posts and those that ->want only SuSE list posts - and then those, like myself, that want both. I just think the whole thing is silly. So I procmail both lists in to one folder and read what I wish to read. This whole thing is kind of silly for a 3.5 year on this list prospective. Very silly indeed. With the acception of bandwidth issues...which (no offense Mads) isn't our problem. The list was never moderated so we have spikes of OT posts...who cares ..big deal. It always quieted down. We've never had a group of users just say fine we do this else where. I look at the amount of post that lx-talk gets and it's simply tiny compared to this list. *shrug* Oh well. Thank God for procmail ;) -- Ben Rosenberg mailto:ben@whack.org ----- The only argument for the superiority of Windows over UNIX is that General Protection Fault outranks Colonel Panic.