This thread is going on and on. SuSE delivers a *GREAT* product. But, as many others, I have some problems with YaST2. But I think the solution to this (and particulary for SuSE) is very simple. Make YaST1 available to the community. All those people complaining can then be productive and create a YaST1 that is compatible with the 'sysconfig' structure which is one of the major changes between 7.3 and 8.0.
SuSE happy (because they don't have to change yast2), and everybody else happy 'cause they can hack away and create a YaST1 XP++++ that will become the best configuration utility ever!!!
Create a project at sourceforge import the the files delivered by the above tar.gz files and your settled
Anyone daft enough to attempt such a task would be much better off starting with the YaST2 source and fitting a decent, YaST1-alike, interface in front of it, then adding any additional functionality they think is missing. If SuSE didn't think updating YaST1 to SuSE-8.0 was a feasible proposition, I can't see anyone else having any success. -- 1:35pm up 7 days, 4:14, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.00, 0.00