Hello, anyone friendly here? I get all kinds of grief on IRC about MicroOS. I'm concerned about the future of MicroOS because they tell me I am the only one running it. No one will even help with OpenSuse questions because I'm running MicroOS. Miuku says he has no use for MicroOS. No one recognizes the hacker-resistance that immutability confers, not to mention rollbacks, etc. I find that once you learn its secrets it runs great, but with little or no uptake by others, is this a dead project? Tell me now, before I standardize on it. Second, I am trying to install mailu/postfix into the current MicroOS. I've managed to install podman3 and docker, and have set up the mailu config files. But when I run $ docker-compose up -d Creating network "mailu_default" with driver "bridge" Pulling redis (redis:alpine)... ERROR: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry-1.docker.io on [::1]:53: dial udp [::1]:53: connect: cannot assign requested address # Yep, I have IPV6 disabled. But running a grep for [::1]:53 in ~ and /etc I come up empty. Why in the world does it only try IPV6? Any idea where to neuter this? Also, I am downloading MicroOS https://download.opensuse.org/ports/aarch64/tumbleweed/iso/openSUSE-MicroOS-... . This is for an ODroid N2+. Once I get it, do I dd to a USB flash and boot to install? Bill