Hello SuSE people. Welllll.....I went and did it - screwed up again. Trying to gain a little disk space, I went in and deleted a partition that I wasn't using very much. Of course that changed drive numbers (which I didn't realize until now), and moved /var up to the next drive number, and I failed to go in an edit fstab. Of course the next time I booted Suse failed because of the change. Sooo... Then I booted the DVD and went into the "repair system" and it offered to change my configuration. I accepted that and it changed /var to whatever--- I don't know. Certainly didn't help and/or made it worse. So since the "repair system" from the install directory didn't work, I then tried "rescue" but couldn't figure out the commands after the "rescue" prompt.. Even brought up "Vi", but couldn't access anything with it. I have all kinds of notes and procedures on how to do this kind of stuff in my e-mail archives but of course I cannont access it. Running 9.2 with Amd 64. Really don't want to reinstall. Somebody Please? help me get my system back? Bob S.