Hi, -----Original Message----- From: Rod Johnson [SMTP:rjohns@otenet.gr] Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 3:50 AM Thanks for all the replies (especially to our resident GNU-bee...he must be awfully busy). Even with all the help I still have a few problems. 1) My ATAPI ZIP drive (hdd) has an entry in fstab- /dev/hdd /zip auto noauto,user 0 0 I used mkdir to create /zip. Now when I try to mount, I am told to declare the fs type. When I use the -t vfat option in the mount command, I get the message "/zip is not a block device" Try using /dev/hdd1 instead of /dev/hdd. Finally, can anyone point me to a site that has up-to-date xwindows drivers for n-Vidia cards. I contacted the STB tech support and they sent me to a site that wanted to sell the drivers and an Xfree version for $100. I'm sure it is a viable alternative, but if I am going to have to pay for something, I would rather spend my money on hardware (I bought a winmodem-stupid stupid stupid me). Sounds like you got sent to XiG. The latest XFree is always at http://www.xfree86.org or you could try metroX $39 at http://www.metrolink.com Good luck, Tim