Anton, et al -- ...and then Anton Aylward said... % % David T-G said the following on 10/23/2013 11:24 AM: % > % > From what I can tell, XFS is a big contender, ReiserFS isn't bad, and ... % >it does my mirroring so that I have the ability to break, reformat, % >transfer, and sync if I need a change (and, hey, manage volumes on the % >fly to tune their different purposes, too). % % I still read a subtext that your thinking one filesystem to rule them % all, and possibly just one partition. % % Tell me it ain't so, Joe! It is for now; see my other note for an explanation of why. But I admit that I also don't like the endless management of deciding how much space to allocate for this or that, even if it is easier to adjust with LVM and modern filesystems. Hey, who was it who keeps telling me to not micromanage? ;-) In the end, I think that I look forward to having some large slice(s) for mostly-static archiving and backups as well as some smaller, snapper-ed, COW FS slice(s) for more dynamic content and to managing this under LVM. I think I'm going to get away with having my 500G + 320G (oops; couldn't make the 400G drives work) pairs in there as scratch or other space, so I just might be able to have them available to hold content while I resize and reallocate, which will be helpful, too. % ... % Most of my server's partitions are ReiserFS 'cos its a joy to watch them % come back so quickly and faultlessly after a powerloss :-) Funny you should mention that... I decided last night, when formatting up both new drives, to make one XFS and the other ReiserFS. I then started multiple copies from half a dozen source drives along the lines of for V in XFS RFS do (cd /path/to/drive && tar cpf - .) | (cd /tmp/$V/drive && tar xpf - .) & done and let it chew overnight. After about six hours, I now see that the XFS disk has about 600G on it while the ReiserFS disk has about 1.5T on it. Curious... That's writing, which won't be as fast as reading, and it's interrupted by having multiple streams come in, but the difference is intriguing. % % Oh, and read up the docs, the man page and the various How-To on LVM. ... % The truth may or may not not be out there, for various values of % 'truth', but there are some good examples and illustration that go into % a lot of detail. [snip] Thanks, and I will. Of course, another part of my mental challenge is that if I go digging too deeply I'll get sucked in and then have to find The Right Way, and we all know how fruitless that search is :-| Worse yet, I don't have that kind of time; I want it all, and I want it NOW. Thanks again & HAND :-D -- David T-G See See