Hello John, on Monday, January 01, 2001 at 17:53:23 -0800, you sat in front of your keyboard and wrote:
Hello All,
Am building firewall box up out of old parts, however having difficulty finding a supported PCI video card for X. I don't have an AGP slot on this old box.
I have three different PCI video cards, however cannot get any of them up and operational in X. Here are the cards and problems associated with each.
Diamond | Setup OK with sax. However unreadable fonts in X. Stealth 64 (2 MByte) | Graphics OK. All text is unreadable including pop-up | menus and task bars.
I remember having a similar problem with a SiS 6326 card. I solved it by using the option "xaa_no_color_exp" in the device section of the XF86Config. HTH, Regards... -- Jean-François Bocquet <tns01@free.fr> ================================+ http://tns01.free.fr | ··· Linux User #177410| | GPG publickey: http://tns01.free.fr/pubkey.asc | fingerprints: 4E98 A7F2 6C26 6554 9562 C64E 5548 BF94 DE59 0A12 | =================================+ | -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK------ +------------------------------------+ Version: 3.12 Comment: For info see http://www.geekcode.com GCS/S d-- s:+ a- C++ UL+>++ P+ L+++>++++ E W++ N+ o+ K- !w O? M? V? PS PE- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5? X++ R tv++ b+ DI- D+ G e+ h! r-- y? ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------