On 01-31-2024 05:57PM, David T-G wrote:
PJ, et al --
...and then OpenSuSE users said... % % Ok, thanks for your insight into this. I have been confused about this % for some time actually. Is it acceptable to attach the strace.log file % to a message in Thunderbird or is that not a good way? What do you think % I should do about this situation?
Can't be any worse than all of that HTML email bloat, right? ;-)
:-D -rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul 23M Jan 31 14:30 strace..txt
EXAMPLES How to post list of your usb devices: lsusb ‐v | TITLE="My usb devices" NICK="Geeko" susepaste lsusb ‐v | susepaste ‐t "My usb devices" ‐n "Geeko" How to post susepaste that will last six hours: susepaste ‐t "openSUSE paste" ‐e "360" ‐f "bash" ‘which susepaste‘ How to post an image that will last three hours: susepaste ‐t "openSUSE image" ‐e "180" ‐f "image" example.png - susepaste ‐t "-pj strace.txt" ‐e "1080" ‐f "text" ‘strace.txt‘ openSUSE Paste script usage: susepaste [-f format] [-n nick] [-t title] [-e expire] [-s schema] [file] I'm still trying to get this to work but maybe strace.txt is to large.