Hi, At this secondary location I have a rebellious mouse. It is a Logitech M90. A simple thing, a red LED pointing to the table and some sensor that decodes movement directly. No ball. With cable. It doesn't work well on the table (smooth white PVC), so I put it on a paper. One of those with millilitre lines for science graphs. Well, sometimes it moves and then stops, like if the ghost ball would be dirty and not moving well the ancient wheels inside, stuck. So I bang the mouse against the table as if to dislodge the dirt (there is none) from the non existing ball and wheels, and the funny thing is, it works again. What could be really be causing this? Leap 15.4, XFCE. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from Elesar, using openSUSE Leap 15.4)