30 Oct
30 Oct
----- Original Message ----- From: "Karol Pietrzak" Tuesday, October 30, 2001 4:08 AM Subject: Re: [SLE] samba version with suse 7.3
Do we have a chance to "mis"use your work? Have you found a mirror?
You can thank Jack Malone for providing the web space. Check out my web site at http://home.earthlink.net/~noodlez84/rpm_packages.html and _use an FTP client_ to download it. For some reason, it doesn't work through web browsers...
I have looked at your web-site. The page say's, that the samba 2.2.2-rpm is tested with SuSE 7.2. I have made a fast and very little tested upgrade to SuSE 7.3. I noticed, that smb.conf and smbpasswd is moved fra /etc/ to /etc/samba/. Do we need a special rpm for SuSE 7.3? mvh... Morten Christensen