On Feb 21 Win4Lin announced its new Pro edition, saying Windows 2000 and Win XP applications can now be used safely by Linux users without fear of Microsoft's virus prone operating system affecting Linux computers. One part of the announcement is quoted as follows: "With the stable Linux architecture as its foundation, Win4Lin Pro protects PCs from Windows viruses and other prevalent forms of malware. Win4Lin Pro limits the impact of a Windows system failure or security flaw to only the virtual sandbox in which the applications are running. Thus Windows malfunctions cannot cause system-wide failures." I make frequent use of a one gigabite bible software program called Libronix from Logos Software whose tech support people said: "Libronix piggybacks on IE6 DLLs as a major part" of its integrated system. Since I need the IE6 DLLs, and cannot separate IE6 from Windows XP, I cannot use WINE. Rather, I need the entire Win XP installed in the Win4Lin Pro shell. I am assuming this would permit me to use Libronix in SuSE Pro 9.2. Does this sound correct to you guys? Will 'installing' Win XP into Win4Lin Pro (is that terminology correct?) open my Linux system to Windows' vulnerability to viruses and other bad things? The "virtual sandbox" discussed in paragraph two would contain, in my case, only WinXP (including IE6) and the Libronix Bible software. Since I write some biblical-thought papers, I would need a word processor available to extract and assimilate info from various Bible versions and many commentaries. OpenOffice.org would work OK but would be outside my "virtual sandbox". I don't know enough about how "vulnerabilities" are exploited to know if my computer system would be open to attack if I would use Win4Lin Pro this way. What do you much more knowlegeable people think? Many thanks for reading thru all this and for any help you may give. Andy