On Monday, 13-June-2005 15:23, Ubence Quevedo wrote:
I've had much success using the nVidia Linux driver because it just works. I've never had any luck using the old ATi linux drivers. Has anyone tested the newer driver? How was the install process? Painful or Painless? I'm debating on getting a new card, but am on the fence on whether to get an nVidia based card or an ATi based card. Any comments or insights would be greatly appreciated!
Tried it. Didn't work on my laptop (Radeon 9600, 128MB video RAM). Install was much better than previous releases, however. And the driver actually starts, and X loads. But acceleration doesn't work. Ended up reverting back to the Mesa driver. You might check out the Linux driver forum at www.rage3d.com http://www.rage3d.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=92