In case you are still interested in it, here is a link: I've had it since it first came out. Used it quite a bit on my laptop. If you have lots of ram it will perform adequately. The good: It performs exactly as the windows version with all the bells and whistles. The bad: Startup times are a bit slow. If it crashes on you, it won't restart until you run a reset script that will regenerate the font metrics and such. Running that script solves any problems but also deletes all of your settings and customizations you've made since install. That alone irritated me to the point of giving up on it. If it was stable I would have loved it even if it did run on wine. The bottom line is that Corel bet its reputation on stable software released on top of alpha software. Not smart. If you buy it, you are on your own. Neither Corel or Xandros will support it. CHECK THAT! I just surfed to their site and I see the download and support pages were restored. When this topic was discussed a few months ago they had removed all the links to updated scripts and support. Perhaps someones lawyer reminded them they can't go back on the promised 30 day support. It's a shame Corel botched the linux release so badly. John wrote:
Does anyone know where you can find a copy of Corel's Wordperfect Office 2000 for Linux? I've been using WP since the dos days. If I can get WP on my Linux box, I can discard my Microsoft 98 partition. If that's a no go, will WP Windows version work on Crossover Office? StarOffice just doesn't have the features I'm looking for. Thanks, Tom
This message originated from a Unix computer using Open Source software: SuSE Linux 7.2 Pro, Galeon 1.0.3 Browser, AbiWord 0.99.3 Word Processor, Ximian Gnome and Evolution 1.0.3 Groupware Suite. Have a lot of fun!!! (Unix is like a wigwam -- no Gates, no Windows, and an Apache inside.)