Damon Register wrote:
Damian O'Hara wrote:
Ken's right that you can export your KDE session (:0) thruogh the desktop tools. Also rdesktop will also connect to a Win2k or above (wash my mouth out) machine which has remote access configured (no vncserver required). On NT (IIRC) it only works with NT Server. This is not RAS but something else - I forget the windoze terminology.
While I really appreciate your help, I have to say that both you and Ken are leaving me very confused. You appear (at least to me) to be using server and client terms interchangeably. From what I see, rdesktop is only a client. I already have that installed. one of you mentioned Internet-->Tools-->remote desktop but from the discussion it seems to me that is for the server side?
It appears to me that most of the answers are dealing with the client side but the question still remains: what must I do to the host or server computer so that a client computer with rdesktop or vncviewer may connect? I have downloaded the latest VNC for Linux from their website. It is installed and vncview will connect to windows computers with no trouble. Still I cannot connect from any client to a Linux host.
I agree with you, as I told everyone before, I was able to see from my Windows PC my linux Desktop, however I was not able to interact with it. I mean, close windows, run programs, etc. I have no idea how to do that and how to configure it to allow clients to interact with the host. Jose