** Reply to message from Carl Johnson <cjs@mcn.net> on Fri, 29 Dec 2000 08:27:06 -0700 Don't ask me where I read this, but scsi devices seem to have a logical partition (sda1) and the filesystem and thus data is at sdax, a later partition. On my zip the device is sdb4. I have an ORB 2.2 Gb removable scsi and it is sda5. In Webmin>Hardiware>Partitions on local drives, /dev/sda is the ORB with 2 partitions, sda1 and sda5 and /dev/sdb is the Zip with 1 partition,sdb4. df shows ORB is 30% in use on sda5, no mention of sda1; Zip is 42% in use on sdb4, no mention of sdb1. I have always seen these device names under several kernels. Hope this helps. Ed Harrison SuSE 6.4, Kernel 2.2.17, IBM JDK 1.1.8 (20000713) or Warp 4, FP12 or Windows98 (running in vmware 2.0.3 for fun) PolarBarMailer 1.1.19