Mon, 26 Feb 2024 21:17:16 -0800 Lew Wolfgang <> :
On 2/26/24 06:05, Ben T. Fender wrote:
meaning 100 megabits per second, not megabytes per second. Actual speed about 10 MB/s or 10 mega bytes per second. looks more like a half-breed, something between 5 MB/s and a dead dog, I had initially envisaged moving 2tb image files :-)))) will have to work down my expectations, or as eastwood would say:
Lot's of things can affect your transfer bandwidths. I just tried a quick test sending a 4-GB file between two recent SuperMicro servers over a 40GbE Ethernet connection. It's a copper connection directly between the two servers, no switches or routers in the way.
So I got 467.2MB/s for a 4GB binary file sent using scp. If you do the math that would be about 45-minutes to transfer 1TB.
THAT's one I haven't tried, sound great!