I'm on Leap 15.3. Held off the update from Thunderbird 78esr to 91esr for quite a long time because I'd read of one or two issues and knew it might be best to wait a while. Now, let me state that I've been using Thunderbird since pre-1.0 days about twenty years ago. It's always been rock solid stable, sometimes a bit old and clunky but absolutely reliable, more so than just about any other software I use. I also understand that open source developers don't get enthused by criticism and they give their free time and energy and we should all do our best to show appreciation and be constructive in our conversations and hug trees. With that said, all current Thunderbird developers must die! Okay, I'll back off a bit. After twenty years of rock solid stability I upgraded to 91esr and have run into a catalogue of irritations, some of which I should have actually catalogued because I've now forgotten for a moment what they are, but I'm sure they'll come back to haunt me some more. In the v91 release notes I see lots of happy-clapping for spangly new features that are of no relevance to me. I just want the continued stability. Somebody already remarked on here some time ago that scrolling in the TB message preview pane is now horked. I either have to click or move the mouse about erratically in the pane to get it to scroll. Sometimes it scrolls immediately, other times not, and seems worse when there's images in the mail but no consistency or logic to it. Tried turning on hardware acceleration and for an hour or so thought that had cured it, only for the problem to return many times since. One or two other smaller annoyances I'll just have to put up with for the time being, but I'd like to know if anybody else has witnessed high CPU usage, specifically in Thunderbird 91esr on Leap 15.3? I wondered if it was continually reindexing my twenty years' archive of folders, and at first it seemed to do it fairly routinely once a day in early evening. But then it became more frequent, and now it spins up several times a day. This laptop has been ultra quiet for three years. 8 cores, 32gb of RAM, all of which I barely use. Bought it secondhand-like-new and it's way overspec'd for the mostly mundane tasks I require of it. Only very rarely does a CPU intensive task spin up the fan and make any noise noticeable, briefly. But now Thunderbird is doing this consistently. At this rate, it's going to wipe two years off the lifetime of this machine. I do NOT have the global search and indexer feature enabled. I tried deselecting and reselecting it as OFF just to make sure. If I look in Plasma's System Activity when the high load occurs, I see Thunderbird showing typically between 6 and 22% CPU load whilst most other processes are rarely pushing more than 1 or 2%. There may be subprocesses amongst the bazillion other kworker and whatever garbage things further down the list, but I can't pick out anything for sure. Nothing that nudges more than a percent or two. It's also not the Compact Folders process, because I still only do that manually after a prompt. It just prompted me for the first time in a long while (I have it set to only act with over ~200mb wasted space), and after that ran for a few seconds, my system just went into some kind of hyperdrive like never before witnessed, whilst Baloo reindexed for a few minutes and half the neighbourhood lost power to the centrale nucléaire whilst Mr Linux plays with his email client. And now Firefox has decided to join in the fun and games. Again, the standard latest ESR version for 15.3. Most particularly when I start playing anything in YouTube, but not uniquely that. System Activity usually shows a process 'RDD' consuming one core, and my fan starts going into warp speed again. Never happened before this last week or two. In both Thunderbird and Firefox I've turned off all studies, data collection, error reporting and whatnot to eliminate that. It could be that others have these symptoms but don't notice on their desktop fanless or soundproofed machines. What could be the cause? No I haven't yet filed any bug reports. I'm unsure if it could be openSUSE-specific, perhaps some other dependency like a graphics update that has nothing to do with Mozilla. Too many vague things to know where to even start. And no I haven't tried creating a blank profile because I can be almost certain nothing will go goofy in such an empty profile, and I don't want the inconvenience of setting up and receiving pop mail in a fresh instance and then having to merge it all back into my main mail at a later date. gumb