Hi Harry, Thank you for your information, do you know any patch to resolve the problem? Thanks, -Zhu Yi -----Original Message----- From: Berge, Harry ten [mailto:berge@hitt.nl] Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 5:06 PM To: SuSE general (E-mail) Cc: 'yi.zhu@intel.com' Subject: RE: [SLE] SuSE 8.1 cannot boot with aic7xxx and SMP Hi, See earlier postings. The problem lies in the fact that there goes something wrong with acpi in combination of a SMP kernel and the aic7xxx driver. However, the solution is very simple: add the option 'noapic' to your grub/lilo boot kernel options and everything should work fine! Regards Harry
-----Original Message----- From: Zhu, Yi [SMTP:yi.zhu@intel.com] Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 9:40 AM To: 'suse-linux-e@suse.com' Subject: [SLE] SuSE 8.1 cannot boot with aic7xxx and SMP
Hi All,
I recently installed SuSE 8.1 on my server (dual PIII 933, 512 ram, tsrtl2 arch, scsi disk). The installation is successful, but after it rebooted with the new vmlinuz-2.4.19-64GB-SMP kernel, it went to a dead loop (for about 5~8 minutes) when loading aic7xxx.o driver and finally ended with a kernel panic. The error message is as follow:
---BEGIN--- SCSI 0: Dumping Carding state while idle, at SEQADDR 0x8 ACCUM = 0x3, SINDEX = 0x48, DINDEX = 0xe4, ARG_2 = 0x0 HCNT = 0x0 SCBPTR = 0x0 SCSISEQ = 0x12, SBLKCTL = 0xa DFCNTRL = 0x0, DFSTATUS = 0x89 LASTPHASE = 0x1, SCSISIGI = 0x0, SXFRCTL0 = 0x80
Pending List: 3(c 0x50, s 0x67, 1 0) Kernel Free SCB list: 1 0 Untagged Q(6):3 DevQ(0:6:0): 0 waiting Kernel panic: for safety ---END---
But after I added the kernel parameter "nosmp" for the kernel in grub, it booted successfully. And I have tried recompiling the kernel source in SuSE 8.1 disk2. Everytime I opened SMP support (both for 4GB and 64GB), it will run into the same phenomena as above. While without SMP support, everything goes well. So I wonder is there something wrong with the aic7xxx.o driver and SMP support in SuSE 8.1?
Thanks, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------- Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not represent Intel Corp.
Zhu Yi (Chuyee) Intel China Software Lab (ICSL) 22nd Floor, ShanghaiMart Tower No. 2299 Yan'an Road(West) Shanghai 200336, PRC Tel: 8621-52574545-1261 Fax: 8621-62366119
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