12 Mar
12 Mar
On Friday 12 March 2021, Carl Spitzer {L Juno} wrote:
this DV6000 is running 11.4 as it only holds 2gig memory.
root is filling up there was once 4gig free now down to 1.5 gig end of last year and now only 1.3 gig.
Where do I look for the problem??
I would look for the biggest consumers via: du -x / | sort -n | tail -100 The -x stops du from looking beyond the filesystem mounted on /. If you are using btrfs, you might want to try btrfs filesystem du --raw / | sort -n | tail -100 I'm sure about the btrfs du because I dont use btrfs. You can use du for btrfs too, but I think it might miss some items such as the journal. If you want a GUI tool, KDE's filelight might yield some useful info. Michael