Message-ID: <006301c05b89$2e04fd60$> From: "Fergus Wilde" <> Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 11:23:49 -0000 Subject: Re: [SLE] OpenSSH For SuSE ?? I have openssh 2.3 running on some machines and ssh 2.3 from on others - there are certainly licensing differences between the two if nothing else, and although they are largely compatible they seem to bitch about each other a bit on odd occasions - sorry not to be more specific, but there haven't been any problems consistent enough to record. Or it could just be that I've not set either of them up particularly well. There has been a recent glut of security alerts for Openssh versions prior to 2.3, so it wouldn't seem wise to go in for an earlier version. See for an article about this. I'm not trying to put anyone off Openssh, versions > 2.3 are said to be fine, and also it can be used freely in commercial environments, the other can't. When it comes to 'conflicts' between the two, I would have thought you'd need to decide which one you're going to use on a given machine and stick to it, as the command lines 'ssh [whateverhost]' and 'scp [whateverfiles]' are the same for each. If you want to be able to receive connections with an ssh server, you also need to have the sshd daemon running and listening, usu. on port 22 - I can't see how you could easily chop and change. Those who have the sad obligation to connect windows machines to *nix may want to know that offer an excellent windows client, with an nice frontend to both ssh and scp. This requires getting a non-commercial license, but this is very easy - so long as you're not commercial.'s 2.3 builds readily from .tar on SuSE 6.4, I did it and I know nothing whatever about compiling software, just blindly followed the readmes in the tarball with perfect results. Openssh 2.3 should build, but I haven't done it, the openssh machine I've got being Openbsd. Could I remind friends from the USA (in the nicest possible way) to keep pestering their government to change their bizarre crypto laws, as it is usually the rest of the world that feels cut off and offended when finding we can't do crypto for 'legal reasons' - this issue is nothing to do with SuSE and I'm sure they'd much rather only have one English disk set to produce, not two. Best, Fergus Wilde Chetham's Library Long Millgate Manchester M3 1SB UK Tel: +44 (0)161 834 7961 Fax: +44 (0)161 839 5797 ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 11:06 PM Subject: Re: [SLE] OpenSSH For SuSE ??