<PRE> On 12-Jan-99 Jeremy Blosser wrote about the following Re: [SuSE Linux] RE: Problem with your mail : || Kim C. Callis [kcc@ziplink.net] wrote: || > On 11-Jan-99 James (Jim) Hatridge wrote about the following Problem || > with || > your mail : || > || || > || [Part 1, "signed PGP message" Application/PGP 1.9KB] || > || [Cannot display this part. Press "V" then "S" to save in a || > || file] || > || || > || HI Kim; || > || || > || The two lines above are all that I'm getting from your postings || > || on the || > || SuSE list. Are you running hmtl only? Or is there something else || > || wrong? || > || You are the only one on the list doing this. || > || > What that is is my pgp signature attached as a mime file. I became || > tired || > of the extra text being appended to the body of my messages. So there || > is || > nothing wrong on your end. || || If that's /all/ he's getting (ie, he isn't getting the message), then || there's || a chance his mailer isn't handling the multiple MIME types correctly. || If he's || getting it only with yours, though, and not with others who do the || same thing || (like me), something may be wrong on your end, Kim. A mailer that || handles || MIME types correctly should be able to display the message parts of || multipart / pgp-signed messages. That would assume that mime.type has an understanding of what to do with PGP messages. So there would be two issues here actually. One, does mime.types know what to with a type applications/pgp-signature? Secondly, while not important since it is 7-bit ASCII, is pgp in place for mime to make use of? Like I said, the second one is not important, only because he is not attempting to authenticate the signature, there for he would see the regular ASCII armored version of the signature. --- Kim C. Callis -- kcc@ziplink.net ********************************* * When it absolutely, * * Positively has to be * * Destroyed over night! * * * * (800) MARINES * ********************************* </PRE> <A HREF="pgp00016.pgp"> PGP signature</A></P>