Hi, I am not sure where to turn for help with x11vnc and (Tiger) vncviewer that I got from the OpenSuSE 15.4 and 15.5 repositories. Google search does not show any forums dedicated to x11vnc, so I thought I would take a stab at it here. If anyone knows of a better forum or a better place to find documentation that would help be with my issue, I would greatly appreciate links! What documentation I can find just sucks and is incomplete in describing HOW x11vnc actually works... I have been a happy camper using x11vnc and vncviewer for years now to bounce around between computers and desktops on my own SOHO network. (Not always easy to configure, but I have managed...) Recently I bought a new laptop with a high res screen 3456x2160 to add to my network mix, running OpenSuSE15.5. Most of the other computers are older (OpenSuSE15.4) and running using 1920x1080 screens. All systems are running the KDE with Plasma desktops. What I want to do is to be able to VNC from my laptop (client) to display :0 on my other systems, and get a full screen display of the desktop from my remote VNC server systems. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this successfully, God only knows how many hours I have spent trying! The closest I have come is to configuring the x11vnc server and vncviewer client as follows - Remote VNC server - /usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -auth /run/user/1000/xauth_DFOoYd -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -rfbauth /etc/vncpasswd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -rfbport 5900 -noipv6 -shared -scale 3456x2160 -quiet; Local VNC client - vncviewer -geometry 3456x2160 -DesktopSize 3456x2160 remote.mydomain.com::5900 This gives me a brief glimpse of a full screen desktop, like I want, but vncviewer immediately crashes. Vncviewer reports the following error messages - Mon Jan 8 10:05:24 2024 CMsgReader: Rect too big: 3223x2102 at 0,65535 exceeds 3456x2160 CConn: Rect too big I feel like I am starting to get above my pay grade now, there is not a lot of helpful information about "Rect" or how to configure, encode, or work with them. It seems that only an x11vnc guru can really deal with this part of the VNC model. Is there anyone on this mail list who can tackle this problem for me and help shed some light on what is going on? A command line example(s) like a picture is worth a thousand words! Much appreciate all offers of help and suggestions. Marc...