I'd like to do some complex scientific tables in Linux. So I thought, I might learn LATEX and it's tabular commands. But how, if I not only would like to print those tables but also to display them in HTML ? So I would be better off learning the linuxdoc SGML ? But where can I find pointers for doing tables and inserting graphics in Linuxdoc SGML ? According to /home/sgml/sgml-tools-0.99.0/doc/guide.txt I tried the following, but could not reach them: <A HREF="ftp://ftp.cs.cornell.edu/pub/mdw/SGML"><A HREF="ftp://ftp.cs.cornell.edu/pub/mdw/SGML</A">ftp://ftp.cs.cornell.edu/pub/mdw/SGML</A</A>> ? <A HREF="ftp://ftp.gmd.de/GMD/sgml"><A HREF="ftp://ftp.gmd.de/GMD/sgml</A">ftp://ftp.gmd.de/GMD/sgml</A</A>> ? I also could not reach the mailing-list 'majordomo@via.ecp.fr'. Does it still exist ? Alternatives ? TIA, Herbert _____________________________________________ Herbert Betz - Landshut - herbertbetz@csi.com - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e