###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: windows### title Windows root (hd0,0) chainloader +1
The reset option didn't detect my ntfs disk as bootable. The drive is listed as hdh. It is not partitioned, all NTFS.
I would try and change the above to read hd7,0 if indeed your disk is hdh If your disk was hdb, you can have grub try and map the drives so that Windows thinks that it is on the first hard drive but since this disk is further along on the chain, I do not know if that will work.
Is there a way to mount this drive and view the contents?
Try "mount -t ntfs /dev/hdh1 /mnt" as root and see if you can see the contents. Remove the quotes. -- Marshall "Nothing is impossible, we just do not have all the answers to make the impossible, possible."