Am 16.06.24 um 11:40 schrieb Daniel Bauer:
I want to copy my "Chromium-things" to a laptop so that I don't have to enter bookmarks, passwords etc. manually.
With firefox etc., this is an easy task, just copy ~/.mozilla/firefox
But I can't find the Chromium files to copy. Where are they, what is their name?
I rarely use chromium, but for some special tasks I accept googles spy-hunger and use it. So I'd like to have it on my laptop as well.
But in it's successful effort to never tell a user what he is looking for and to make life as complicated as possible, unfortunately also in this regard, googles answers are wrong and lead to nowhere...
I hope someone can help despite of googles struggle to hide information.
Try in you HOME in a console: find -iname *'chromium*' I get ./.cache/chromium ./.config/chromium ./.config/chromium/Default/.org.chromium.Chromium.fklPXN ./.config/chromium/Default/.org.chromium.Chromium.l2huSR ./.config/chromium/Default/.org.chromium.Chromium.oIZp08 delete ./.cache/chromium* it will be recreated.