Let me start by saying that I realy don't have a clue what I am talking about, but let me say it anyway. I am having problems with the latest driver 4496 - and some other people as well, but not all. I suspect that those not having a problem are *not* using the Athlon-built kernel; or they are not using the very latest patched Athlon kernel *-20-100 but probably *-20-98 or earlier. If one looks inside the nVidia's 4496 driver-file one will see a list of distros for which it has been precompiled and for SuSE 8.2 it states that it has precompiled interface for the Athlon kernel which has been updated to *-20-98, but NOT *-20-100 which is the latest patched one from SuSE. When one looks inside the earlier (and the first *.run) 4363 driver, there are no such statements - and by happy coincidence it works perfectly with the lastest patched (#100) Athlon kernel. OK, now you can tell me where I have off the rails in my deductions :-). Cheers. -- Indecision is the key to flexibility.