30 Oct
30 Oct
Okay, I've decided to get a new video card and have narrowed it down to a ATI Radeon of some sort. The question is, which one? I see the 64MB DDR version for $150, but I hear the latest 8500 (also with 64MB of DDR) is faster than the GForce3 (at least in windows) for $200. $150 is really close to the top of what I would like to pay, but if the 8500 has more than twice the performance (which is what I hear on the windows side) then maybe it's worth it. The benchmarks out there are sparse, and are done with windows, so I would like to hear any experiences from the users on this list. QuakeIIIA FPS would be a nice benchmark if anyone can ;). Thanks! -- Nick Webb http://www.uidaho.edu/~nickw/