* Carlos E. R. (robin1.listas@tiscali.es) [030904 16:44]:
The 03.09.04 at 16:21, Ben Rosenberg wrote:
Gnome2 UPGRADE packages since James started building the core packages. They work..no weird stuff like with Ximian..no halfass stuff like the core SuSE Gnome2 stuff..it just plain works.
I know... in my case, I can not download everything with a modem.
Umm..ok. I thought you were just recommending he start with the CD version because SuSE actually made the pkgs on the CD's. I didn't know you were talking about yourself not having a fast enough connection to grab it all at once. No worries. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.