On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 03:34:32PM +0200, Robert Schiele wrote:
I have now exported some statistics from an internal mirror system here because people ask that often for packages included in SUSE releases and their version numbers. http://pi3.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/~schiele/suseversions includes all packages availlable on public mirrors including the availlable update packages.
If people find this information useful I could make the statistic to be re-exported nightly.
The data in itself might be usefull. The way it is presented makes it something I won't use. I tried looking for the URL with the online pin, but can't find it. :-( The above might be usefull as raw data. The 'pin online' would be ideal as a lige tool for users to look up individual packages. houghi -- Nutze die Zeit. Sie ist das Kostbarste, was wir haben, denn es ist unwiederbringliche Lebenszeit. Leben ist aber mehr als Werk und Arbeit, und das Sein wichtiger als das Tun - Johannes Müller-Elmau