My temporary GPU card is: VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Juniper XT [Radeon HD 5770] About a month ago the GUI desktop on my most often used linux installations went form high-res (1920x1080) to something rather very low-res. I've never had VoidLinux in GUI yet at all, and all but one of the others use one DM or another. In slackware I always did "startx" and now that too goes to a low-res desktop. Tumbleweed is different! If I carry on with SDDM in low-res to log-in then it too will bring up GUI is low-res BUT if I do it the slackware way (logging-in in terminal mode followed by startx) then I get the previously always successful 1920x1080 desktop I should. So where is Tumbleweed getting this from while all the others have gone tango-uniform? And what's amiss in my other distros? What can I look at to TS?