*** Reply to message from Harsh Busa <harsh.busa@gmail.com> on Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:00:26 +0530 One more candle and a trip around the Sun***
My exp with 9.2 is really good . ... though i didnt notice a very big difference for the desktop but surely for the laptops its amazing. ...
It would help me a lot if you guys could mentio make and model of laptops? I know there is specific help in the control panel for Thinkpads as well as Sony Vaios w/ potential purchses of new lappys it would be super if we coulg get specific make and model info from you guys as you get new or update old ones... There is enough space on my OOOOOLD thinkpad lappy, not so affectionally named the ton of bricks but not enough ram to install it... it only has 800Megs of hard drive if it's empty and 26 megs of ram!! ( 750cd ) the rather officious woman who took my order insisted"we have the top men in industry, corporate presidents who don't need more hard drive or ram than that . I'm sure it will be more than sufficient..." well, it wasn't. <G> But it runs Warp 4 so every now and then I drag is along... I guess she didn't know her company officials were only playing solitare and reading emails. -- j -- nemo me impune lacessit