Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 22:42:24 -0800 From: emanon <> Subject: Re: [SLE] Wvdial quirk phoenix- odd- the first time i tried your suggestion (wvdialconf > dev null) i clicked new messages in netscape's email and dial-on-demand found my modem and dialed it correctly. that was the last and only time it worked... i'm using suse v6.4 which from my reading seems to have problems with dial-on-demand. i'm stumped. any ideas? thanks- larry phoenix wrote:
emanon wrote:
thanks for the suggestion. i have been trying to get dial-on-demand working for several days without any luck. <wvdialconf >dev null> worked! as far as i can tell it wrote the modem configuration to dev null. i didn't see anything referring to this in the documentation, suse database or the achieves of this list.
Your'e welcome. It was actually part of the documentation. That's how I found out about it in the first place. (I'm not sure where though. I think it may have been in the "wvdialconf -h" or "info wvdialconf" something like that ! :)
Have fun