This is exactly how I have it installed on my machine. I notice you have Partition Magic 7.0 which means you also have Boot Magic which is also what I am using. Here is what I did Install linux on the upper partition. When It asks where to install the bootloader, install it on the /boot partition that Linux will create. (Do NOT install on the MBR) At this point, you would have to boot into Linux from the Linux Boot Floppy created during installation. Then go into Windows and install BootMagic on the FAT32 partion (It has to be on a FAT32 or FAT16 partion). Do the BootMagic setup and it will most likely find the partition already, save the configuration. If it does not, select the partition where the boot loader is. Reboot, and you are there. You will first get the BootMagic selection screen, when you select the Linux system, you will then get the Lilo or Grub bootloader screen. You will not be able to see the NTFS partition in Linux, unless you install another Linux program but it is still not safe to write to, but you can see the FAT32 partition. If I want Linux to see something from Windows, I put it on the FAT32 partition. I have SuSE 7.3, but at one time, I had SuSE 7.3 and RedHat 7.2 and could select either one from BootMagic. Art -----Original Message----- From: Grové Erasmus [] Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 7:15 AM To: SuSe Linux Hulp Subject: [SLE] Linux partitioning Can Linux filesystems be made at the back of a hard disk ? Would creation of the filesystem at the back of the hard disk allow Linux to boot ? I have 40Gb hard disk, the first 32GB is allocted to NTFS and FAT32 . I am using Partion Magic Pro 7. This is on my main hard disk. I have a 2nd 20Gb hard disk that I use to play with so I wont mess up my hard disk. Grové Erasmus 53 Cottage street E14 0AA, UK +44 7949 051547