OS: SuSE 10.0 Pro Courier Authlib v 0.58 I have two SuSE 10 systems running identical versions of MySQL, courier-authlib and courier-imap. Since SuSE did not see fit to include the MySQL support with their courier-authlib, I removed the SuSE-provided courier-authlib (v0.57) and courier-authlib-devel, downloaded 0.58 and proceeded to roll my own binary RPMs. The only change I made in the spec file was to change openldap-devel to openldap2-devel in the prerequisites to get it to generate at all. (I did this despite the warnings to 1) get the binary RPMs generated and since 2) we do not use LDAP at all.) Anyway, I installed the generated RPMs (courier-authlib and courier-authlib-mysql on the first system and got it to run authtest fine for both real (pam authenticated) and virtual (mysql authenticated) users. (authmodulelist="authmysql authpam") However, when I transferred the RPMs and authdaemonrc and authmysqlrc files to the second system and installed them, the authtest fails with: Authentication FAILED: Input/output error Nothing appears in the mail log even with DEBUG_LOGIN=2 (and authdaemon restarted). I have MySQL query logging turned on and the queries are generated and apparently run OK. I can log directly into MySQL using the same user/database/password in the authmysqlrc files and execute the query fine with the expected row returned. The only thing in the mail log are the messages stating that both authpam and authmysql installed properly (completed) upon restarting the authdaemond. If I use the authmodulelist above with authmysql listed first, authtest fails on both real and virtual users. If I use authnodulelist="authpam authmysql", authtest works for real users but fails for virtual users. I have checked the md5sum of the RPMs and installed binaries between the two systems and they are identical. I am stumped and would appreciate ANY ideas, suggestions, etc. Thank you, Lucky Leavell