On 9/29/07, Stefan Müller <stefan.mueller@cl.uni-bremen.de> wrote:
Alexey Eremenko wrote:
10.3 BETA3/RC1/Final comes with VMI kernel. 10.2 does not. Get a 10.3 for yourself.
Okay. I played with a 10.3 alpha version and decided not to upgrade, since there are a lot of changes, I do not have the time to deal with (new LaTeX, different emacs integration, ...). Is there a way to get this into 10.2? I looked for the kernell of the day, but this is dated August, so the VMI might not be in there.
Best wishes
Getting VMI to work with 10.2 will require big kernel changes. You can try building your own custom kernel, if you so wish (hard way). Or just download 10.3. (easy way). Since you're working with VMware, it's safe to experiment with new OSes, such as openSUSE 10.3 - it won't interfere with your current job, and can be done in spare time. I know that 10.3 is a new OS, and has many changes, so: By the time being - keep using 10.2 for production use, and suffer some performance loss, plus experiment with 10.3, to see how-to adapt it to your current job. Overall: openSUSE 10.3 is great OS. One of the best OSes I have worked with. -- -Alexey Eremenko "Technologov"