On 12/11/2009 02:01 AM, David C. Rankin wrote:
e16 - Startup Applications Just another follow-up on e16 concerning the method for auto-starting apps when you start e16. This information isn't immediately apparent during the install. By default the e16 startup script (starte16) gets e16 up and running, but does not start any unnecessary programs. Instead, e16 uses three script directories to allow the user to control what gets started on 'Init', 'Start', and 'Stop'. Where scripts in: ~/.e16/Init - are run the first time X is started with e16; ~/.e16/Start - are run when e16 starts and upon e16 restart; ~/.e16/Stop - are run when e16 shuts downs. The script directories do not exist by default, you have to create them. The easiest way is to open an xterm or run command dialog and enter 'mkdir -p ~/.e16/{Init,Start,Stop}' The script directories are simply the location you place scripts you want run in each of the three instances. The scripts in the directories must be executable or will be ignored. Additionally, e16 gives you control over whether the scripts are executed in the foreground or whether they are executed and backgrounded. The script extension controls this behavior. Script names are executed in the foreground/background dependent upop whether they have a '.sh' script extension as follows: scriptname.sh - executed in the foreground; scriptname* - meaning anything else are executed in the background (no need for an &) The only form of name you can't use is '*~' These files are ignored. To fit my needs, I just wanted kmix, knemo, basket and syndaemon running so I created: ~/.e16/Start/autostart.sh with the following: --start-------- #!/bin/bash ## start either alsa, esound, or kmix to provide sound in e16 kmix ## The following apps are started at e16 startup xscreensaver & ## Disable synaptics touchpad w/i 1 second of text input to stop the # mouse from jumping when brushed with your palm while typing on a laptop. /home/david/scr/cnf/tpad ## Start knemo /usr/bin/knemo ## Start basket notepads in the systray /opt/kde/bin/basket --start-hidden exit 0 --end---------- If you have any apps that reside in the 'systray', then after you start e16, just rt-click and choose the Desktop menu -> Create Systray. You will find all the little icons in there happy as larks. (one note on kmix, you can still control volume by using the mouse-wheel when the cursor is over the systray icon, but note you do not get a percentage (100%, 90%, ....) readout, instead the sound waves in from of the speaker get bigger or smaller to distinguish the volume. [ I'll use SI to represent the kmix icon in the tray, you will see 'SI c' 'SI cC' or 'SI cCC' as the sound goes from low to high. Desktop Wallpaper Control: Many of the themes provide several options for backgrounds, but you can place any custom backgrounds you want in ~/.e16/backgrounds/ Links work fine here. So if you have a cool directory full of wallpapers you would also like to use in e16, just create links to them in your ~/.e16/backgrounds direcory. Something simple like: for i in $(ls ~/coolBkgImgDir); do ln -s pathToCoolWPDir ~/.e16/backgrounds; done and now you are ready to go. Then when you choose settings > desktops and you will have all of your custom desktops available for use. The last tip would be to copy bindings.cfg to ~/.e16 which is the file that contains the keybindings. Just copy the system-wide file from /usr/share/e16/config/bindings.cfg and that will serve as a template for adding your own or removing unwanted or conflicting shortcuts. (setting: ALT+Up Arrow for Iconify has hands down been my favorite. Windows fly of the screen and into the Iconbox just as fast as my fingers will go. You can edit the file by hand, but it makes life a whole lot easier just to use 'e16keyedit'. If it doesn't come with your release, then just grag the code from Sourceforge and it can be compiled and installed in 10 seconds. That is pretty much a short summary of all the tricks I used. The only other think I will do is bind alt+f2 to either bbrun or fbrun so I can have a hot key to a run command. At that point, I don't think I'll be able to think of anything else e16 needs :p -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. Rankin Law Firm, PLLC 510 Ochiltree Street Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 Telephone: (936) 715-9333 Facsimile: (936) 715-9339 www.rankinlawfirm.com