On 27/07/10 09:52, Rodney Baker wrote:
On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:30:31 Basil Chupin wrote:
On 07/07/10 19:37, peter nikolic wrote:
Well this does not bode at all well
Kaffeine fails very miserably on the first hurdle try to view TV and i get a quick click of sound no video and a report of kaffeine xbu segmentation fault this is not good at all for what is supposed to be the best around in fact it sucks .
There is nothing spectacular about kaffeine, Peter, except that it can record a program. (I've been waiting for a fix to be implemented for around 12 months now after the maintainer said he found the reason for the problem I reported :-( .)
I use xine which I find far superior to kaffeine - except that it cannot do recordings.
To use xine install xine-ui. Configure xine - if you need some info or even my control file then simply ask and I'll send you my copy which you can then alter to suit your system.
Also, to watch TV you will need to create a channels.conf file for it and the bestest way of doing this is to install w-scan; then run "w_scan -c<yy> -X> channels.conf" [1] where<yy> is your country's code (like AU is for me) and it will generate the conf file for where you live; copy this conf file to the ~/.xine directory and away you go with your TV. (BTW, the line command I just gave applies for a terrestrial system - and you will need to change the "-c" to configure for for cable or satellite - read the README for w-scan.)
[1] note the difference between the "-" and the underscore "_" in "w-scan" and "w_scan". Also note my use of">" and not the">>" used in the README.
Basil, Where did you get w_scan from? I can't find it in any of the repo's that I have configured (which include packman and vlc) - running 11.2/KDE4.4.93.
Thanks, Rodney.
Here Rodney: http://edafe.org/vdr/w_scan/ (But note that the app is called w-scan, but the executable is w_scan.) BC -- A man kept complaining about not having shoes to wear - until he saw a man with no legs. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse+help@opensuse.org