The Monday 2005-01-24 at 20:17 +0200, Dumb Waiter wrote:
And when tried to change host name to something else in YAST / Network services/ DNA and Host Name/ two things happened:
_A) I was instantly confused by the message: "The resolver configuration (/etc/resov.conf) has been temporarily modified by DHCPCD. You have to options: 1. Modify the current (changed!) version of the file 2. Press 'Accept' now and conntinue editing other (non-roselver) data. You could return to his dialog later when the above sefvice has terminated."
Although I understand the individual words, the real meaning of my two choices remains utterly obscure to me - what does that information try to say to me?
This matches with what Jos van Kan told you on another email. You are getting your name through DHCP. So, you have to drop your internet connection, and then try yast again, it will probably show another name. Then, in the network properties, you probably have selected the option to allow DHCP to alter your hostname. There you can change it, if you want and if it is really advisable, as Jos van Kan says. I think you can, but it is just an opinion. -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson