Yes you can use the standard VPN support build into Win98/Win2K/WinXP I have firewall/VPN's at a number of clients and they work great. We are using PPTP instead of IPSEC because it is easier for our clients to configure and manage their remote systems. We do have the Freeswan IPSEC up and running on these boxes but we just got tired of explaining everything when we can have a user up in 5 minutes without any problems. Until we can workout the support issues we will continue with PPTP for remote warriors. When we setup point-to-point links we use IPSEC. You can get the VPN working with the SuSEfirewall2 so there is not a lot of firewall coding needed unless (like we are) you have special requirements. As far as the new partitions, it really depends on what you want to do. We start out with the following partitions and then build off of that: /boot (ext2 - around 50 megs) /swap (3 x ram depending on how you are using the system) / (Reiser - the rest of the disk) I know there is a lot of discussion about the fastest files system and all but we find that the Reiser file system just works. We have never lost anything when we have "pulled the plug" on a system or had a power outage and the systems boot very quickly. The bottom line is that this all just works for use and our clients. Robert On Friday, October 4, 2002, at 11:05 PM, pheonix1t wrote:
Hello people, I have 2 questions. I've tried doing some research on using linux as VPN server...this sounds great. From what I can see....between branches you could have a linux server doing firewall and VPN....that simple. However, I found mixed results on VPN clients for win2k or windows in general. Some places suggested that windows doesn't have VPN support for going into a linux box....others just didn't mention it. So, for question there a way for a windows client to VPN into a linux server?? Would the windows client be able to "browse" the network neighborhood through the VPN??
Question 2. - Started working at a site where a previous company installed a linux email server in a very half-assed manner. 3 partitions...1gig of swap....6 gig of / .....13 gig of /var. / is about 30% full, /var is about 3% full....lots of wasted space. Server doing postfix, dns......need to get apache and samba on it. Site has around 13 gigs of user data to share. Too much for that disk so need to get 2nd larger disk. The question.....what is the best way to setup the "new" server. I want to use the new disk to do a fresh install and use a better partitioning scheme.
thank you,
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