On 2021-07-23 5:23 p.m., mcgarrett wrote:
Why doesn't this work:
dd bs=4M if=/home/doug/Downloads/Win10_21H1_English_x64 of=/dev/sda
Here is the downloaded file in /home/doug/Downloads:
-rw-r--r-- 1 doug users 5824122880 Jul 22 22:20 Win10_21H1_English_x64.iso
Here is the fail message:
dd: failed to open '/home/doug/Downloads/Win10_21H1_English_x64': No such file or directory
(Since I am IN that directory, I first tried without specifying the directory, but got the same failure.)
Confused as usual--doug
If you want to write an ISO image to USB, you should use Imagewriter, which is designed to do just that. It's in the main repository. What Michael Hamilton said about your choice of the target for your proposed write also concerns me: It is quite unlikely that your USB stick is /dev/sda -- impossible, I would think.