Onsdag den 25. august 2004 02:45 skrev Marcos Vinicius Lazarini:
Richard Curtis wrote:
I am looking into setting up bandwidth limiting using cbq on Suse 9.1.
I have a few questions though before I spend hours reading the man pages as they are quite heavy going.
1). Are there any quirks or issues using the 2.6 kernels ?
Probably - It's still early days ;-)
2). Will this work on a firewall that is using NAT ? Because all the traffic going out originates from the same IP.
I use at home, without problems (the firewall and the NAT machine is the same machine).
3). Is it possible to use traffic shaping to split a connection (ADSL) four ways, so each user is guaranteed a quarter of the bandwidth, and also, to allow the other users to share unused bandwidth while a user is offline ??
I think it is possible, but not with my actual knowledge. I'm still looking for this; if you find, please share with us. (cc: lazarini_at_nics.unicamp.br please)
4). Can anyone point me at some documentation on this - howto's or examples ? The examples I have seen are all fairly complex.
Well you might have success here !!! http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/ldp/HOWTO/ADSL-Bandwidth-Management-HOWTO/index.ht... http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/ldp/HOWTO/Bandwidth-Limiting-HOWTO/index.html http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/ldp/HOWTO/Traffic-Control-HOWTO/index.html http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/ldp/HOWTO/Traffic-Control-tcng-HTB-HOWTO/index.htm... http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/ldp/HOWTO/Adv-Routing-HOWTO/index.html Which all can be found on this page searching on the word "traffic" http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/ldp/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/networking.html
http://lartc.org/ In particular, the files at http://lartc.org/#download This is a *super complete* documentation, but is easy to understand, if you follow the chapters.
In particular, I'm using tbf now (token bucket filter), but plan to move to htb (hierarchical token bucket). Yes, if you have read Tanenbaum's Computer Networks, it will be somewhat easier... :-)
BTW, in the gateway you can use very cool statistic programs, like nload (network load), pppstatus, iptraf, mrtg, rrdtool, etc, etc, etc