Quoting Hans du Plooy <hansdp@newingtoncs.co.za>:
Hi all,
We have a single P-III 1ghz (coppermine) in our office server. We just aquired a very nice Dual P-III motherboard. If we can find another 1ghz CPU, I'd like to move it over to that board. Two questions:
1. Is it true the tho CPUs have to be pair/couple that matches in some or other way? I have read something to that effect, but it was not clear which CPUs have this requirement.
Yes. Ideally, an identical pair. Same model, same stepping. At least the same voltage and clock speed. I acquired a dual PII board, cheap. It came with one CPU. I ordered a second PII CPU, same speed. It will run with either one, but not both. Turns out one is a 5 volt CPU, the other a 3 or 3.3 volt CPU. The motherboard can handle either one, but not both. Deschutes and Klamath models. HTH, Jeffrey