On 08-17-2024 04:04PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
On 8/17/24 5:02 AM, -pj via openSUSE Users wrote:
Tumbleweed installed with KDE Plasma 6. Reinstalled all Nvidia drivers, powercycled and still no accelerated display.
Your install looks fine. you are using the Nvidia drivers (I haven't had chance to work your recent Nvidia package release for 6.10..further yet).
confused what you mean by "no accelerated display"? Please see here of P6 system monitor warning > https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/b74ffc5ab5e2
Also when observing nvidia-smi output > https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/190eaa8ae839
Also, do non-flatpack graphics work fine? No. For instance > gzdoom no longer starts Free Doom. More than Flatpak related here, glad you asked.
Problem: Plasma 6 systray applets do hold place and get caught, packed on menu launcher tab. systray applets get wiped when passing mouse cursor over them. Menu items get wiped when passed over with mouse cursor. Each *fresh workspace* selected (8 here). Results in the same behavior (icons, applets don't for the most part reappear). Desktop icons have strange shade box under them also. Wiped systray > https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/a0a859159263 Almost seem like kwin *or* something operating Plasma desktop performance is *not* working correctly (I am not advanced). Please see > journalctl -xb | grep "kwin\|krunner\|kde" > KDE-related-search-0.txt Here > https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/b46bca54c323 I've avoided flatpacks so I
can't be much help here.
Fair enough. Flatpak installs seem to work (Almost 100% for sure - never installed Flathub working Flatpaks prior on openSUSE). For me this was the first time and instance...Total Chaos.. started up...configured options a bit....started game....machine-lock (almost frozen no desktop switching able)..went to TTY1 kill pid..back to TTY2 .. Total Chaos frozen then 'Alt+SysRq reisub' ed....... Fine with that. Now just trying to recover desktop hardware acceleration features (I think).
There is something on going on generally with the display environment in Tumblweed. I just posted about a susepaste oddity where I get:
Yes, your recent work with G05 is good. You are advanced users.
$ susepaste -n "David C Rankin" -k "heoixd99pSvZF9iduEtrEzgDZMuwkALXGHCP" -t "Test susepaste" -e "30" -f "text" sptest Pasted as: https://paste.opensuse.org/7c9fd7ffc942 Failed to get path for session '1 2': No session '1 2' known Graphics server not found. Copying to clipboard is not possible.
See your recent post, is good.
I'm running the G04 driver and for some reason the system cannot see my session and claims the "Graphics server not found" -- what the hell?
You using KDE 4? Is this right after boot into TTY2 ? Which kernel and video hardware with that? Which Window Manager? I created new ~./cache directory. Are you aware of more options to purge or clear anything that could possibly be 'jammed' within the workings of the P6 desktop window manager? Is there something that could have changed in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.install ? I do not think this is the case since X11 xsession is started here. should anything dealing with 'xorg' be refreshed/purged/cleared? Your thoughts and advice is helpful....🫥