Actually, I took a look at the page. I also have the same difficulties here. Since I usually SSH into a gateway box then ssh in to the servers from outside it normally wasn't an issue and was back burnered. This is what fixed it for me: # To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here! PasswordAuthentication yes #PermitEmptyPasswords no I un-remmed the PasswordAuthentication yes and it works perfectly with putty and telneat. Guess that was disabled to reduce the threat of brute forcing passwords... -----Original Message----- From: Greg Freemyer [] Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 6:23 PM To: Subject: Re: [SLE] resolved: ssh problem with passwd on SUSE 9.0 Looking at It appears there is a bug somewhere in the mix between: putty / sshd / pam If I understand it correctly, in SUSE 9.0 sshd is configured to exclusively use pam for authentication. With standard password authentication, that is working fine for Linux ssh clients, but it is not working with putty. I have followed the threads suggestion of directly enabling password authentication in sshd_config if you want to use putty. I'm not sure that this has any negative features, but it was obviously not the plan for 9.0. I'm surprised I have not seen this come up on SLE before. Greg -- Greg Freemyer -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the archives at Please read the FAQs: