On Tuesday 03 February 2009, Dotan Cohen wrote:
2009/2/3 peter nikolic <p.nikolic1@btinternet.com>:
Hi .
well yet another nail in the coffin of KDE4 .
I have just been trying the so called activivities out and being polite about it , it is a total pile of crap , People had been asking for tha ability to have a different set of icons on each virtual desktop and what do we get
Click on the Peanut zoom out click on another activity click on zoom in what the hell is that all about what is wrong with desktop 1 Ham radio icons Desktop 2 Office icons Desktop 3 games icons ect ect ect the offering so far is no better than shutting the session down and restarting as a differnet user will someone please LISTEN to what is being asked for and action it
Pete, ignore activities for now. It's not supposed to work.
Go ahead and complain that it shouldn't ship with it, I know the story. The dev did not want to disable it as _not_ playing with it wouldn't break anything else. Just use KDE 4.2 like you used KDE 3.x and ignore activities for now.
-- Dotan Cohen
http://what-is-what.com http://gibberish.co.il
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Hi . this is on kde4.3 stuff as well that i somehow managed to get installed dont ask i dont know how if was anyway a programmer i would have a loom at it but i aint it is darn anoying this was asked for at least 18 months if not 2 years ago Pete . -- SuSE Linux 10.3-Alpha3. (Linux is like a wigwam - no Gates, no Windows, and an Apache inside.) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse+help@opensuse.org