Sat, 13 May 2023 08:00:58 +0200 Stephan Hemeier <> :
Am Freitag, 12. Mai 2023, 23:48:01 CEST schrieb bent fender:
Like I said, been watching this yoyo for like 10 years: now it works, now it doesn't.. I'm spending my guitar-time on trying to fix what I diodn't break. All "I" ever do is install/upgrade with all depends always apparently satisfied.
Can you post you Repo list: zypper lr -d
for Leap-15.4 for tumbleweed (where rosegarden launches OK) Rosegarden works on tumbleweed but there, there are other issues with Hydrogen producing General-Midi sounds in Rosegarden instead of proper Hydrogen drumkit sounds. I started using Tumbleweed as well as Leap when music work became a hit and miss affair in Leap. This week I can't get anything done in either. I later went as far as using 7 distros for the same reason and this week Devuan is the ONLY one on which everything comes together as it always should in all of them. The 7 distros BTW include 2 specifically STUDIO ones; namely AvLinux and Ubuntu-Studio, again this week none of those do the job right either :-)