I'd like to setup at least two, maybe two boxes and a Dell Latitude C610 laptop on a wireless LAN - preferably with SUSE 10.0 (I'm playing with beta 4 now). Would anyone be willing to suggest brand/models? The laptop has an ethernet port, so I'll obviously need a PC Card (PCMCIA?) wireless adapter. I do have a 4-port USB hub if wireless LAN cards work o.k. via USB. I know there have been some issues using USB ethernet adapters under Linux, and assume that applies to wireless as well. Eventually, I plan to convert the remaining 8 or 9 boxes over to wireless as well (total of 12 systems). I assume I need a hub/switch as well, or just the router? It appears that I might be well served to pick up a LinkSys 4-port router for my Internet connection. The only 16-port wireless router I saw (on first glance) runs over USD $300.00! Pehaps I could use one box to route the rest into the LinkSys. Of course, the 4-port would suffice for now, since I won't likely be moving to wireless all at once. Yeah, I know. I don't know anything about choosing LAN equipment. Anyway... Thanks for the input.