Trying to get my old Windows 2000 box to talk to my new Linux box with the hope of accessing the Linux box via VMC. Followed the instructions in the SuSE 8.2 version notes for VMC, and started VMCSERVER from root command window, or whatever you call it. Set the IP of the Windows ethernet port to, on the Linux box to, and while I can ping from Windows to Linux, it will not work the other way. VMC display thing won't work, either. So far I have disabled passwords and encryption on Windows, disabled the various Microsoft networking things, and identified the Windows machine in the routing table on the Linux box via YaST. Still nothing. When I get home tonight I will try to see if the SuSE firewall is the problem. Fumbling in the dark, here... Can anyone help me along to the next step? All e-mail sent to this account from free e-mail providers (including Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo!, and AOL) from addresses which I have not previously cleared, will be deleted from the server.